Chapter 111C: Section 11. Enforcement proceedings; jurisdiction; injunctive relief.

Section 11. The attorney general, at the request of the department, shall, or any ten taxpayers of the commonwealth, may bring a bill in equity in the superior or supreme judicial court to enforce compliance with this chapter or any rule, regulation, or order made under this chapter, whenever it shall appear that any person has engaged in, or is about to engage in an act or practice in violation of this chapter or any rule, regulation, or order made under this chapter, or whenever it shall appear that any person has aided, abetted, caused, or permitted, is aiding, abetting, causing, or permitting, or is about to aid, abet, cause, or permit any such act or practice. Upon a bill brought hereunder, the superior court or supreme judicial court, as the case may be, shall have jurisdiction to grant temporary relief and, upon hearing, a permanent injunction, which shall be mandatory in form, if appropriate; provided, however, that, where a bill is brought by ten taxpayers of the commonwealth, no permanent injunction shall be issued until the department has been permitted to intervene as a party, if it so desires, or to submit an amicus brief to the court. Any ten taxpayers filing a bill in equity hereunder shall serve a copy thereof upon the department on the same day as such filing.