Chapter 111C: Section 13. Liability of doctors, nurses, hospitals, ambulance operators and attendants.

Section 13. No physician duly registered under the provisions of sections two, two A, or nine of chapter one hundred and twelve, and no nurse duly registered under the provisions of section seventy-four or section seventy-six of said chapter, and no hospital shall be liable in a suit for damages as a result of acts or omissions related to advice, consultation or orders given in good faith to ambulance operators and attendants who are qualified under section six, and are acting on behalf of an ambulance service duly licensed under section three, by radio, telephone or other remote means of communication under emergency conditions and prior to arrival of the patient at the hospital, clinic, office or other health facility from which the emergency communication to the ambulance operator or attendant is made; nor shall any said ambulance operator or attendant be liable in a suit for damages as a result of his said acts or omissions based upon said advice, consultation or orders by remote communication, if the said acts or omissions were made in good faith.